Why USBs should be the new school books

In today’s age of technology every area of society is finding new ways to make things quicker and easier. Education should be no different. A class of 30 students each handing in a paper assignment is not good for the environment or the teacher’s state of mind.

That’s why in this week’s article we will be discussing the benefits that a simple USB drive can bring to the class or lecture room.

 Students are used to this technology!

As any parent knows, the younger generation are all over technology. Most students today have grown up with USB drives. They use them to store files, photos, and movies, and to share them between their friends. They are everyday devices which make their lives easier. So why then – when they go to school – do they need to be subjected to an old fashioned and tired system of getting things done? Some benefits that USB drives give to students are:

Schools, colleges, and Universities should take advantage of their student’s knowledge and learn something from them. With the use of individual student USB drives the process of giving and taking work will be dramatically shortened and key help can be pre-loaded and easily found.

Say goodbye to the ‘The Dog Ate My Homework’ excuses!

Ease for teachers

Teaching is not easy – controlling whole classrooms of students let alone teaching them is hard enough. Having to photocopy and print out endless sheets of paper before each class is just another task that takes time but needs to be done. However, this time could be spent on far more productive tasks that will benefit everyone in the school. A few advantages for the teacher are:

Utilising the storage space and flexibility of a USB drive will make the life of a teacher so much easier. Having the comfort of mind that all their students already have their work pre-loaded on to an affordable and easy to carry device allows teachers more time to focus on what is really important.

Pre-loaded syllabus

Imagine being a student today and on your first day of a new year the teacher simply hands you a USB drive and on it is everything that you will need for the entire year. Well today that is completely possible.

It’s quick and simple to pre-load all of the year’s information as well as store it in easy to find folders – it’s fool proof! Here at USB Company we can even upload useful files such as videos, presentations, PowerPoint, or Microsoft Word documents for you!

Custom made to bring school identification

Having your school, College, or University emblem printed across each USB stick will definitely bring an official touch and sense of pride to the classroom. Branding is not just for slick corporate events – it has a much bigger purpose.

Each time that a teacher or student picks up their branded USB drive they will be reminded of the modern, forward thinking school that they attend. Here at the USB Company we can add any logo you wish to a bulk order of USB drives for your institution.

So, as you can see there are many benefits of using custom branded USB drives in the classroom. The main advantages are:

So why not turn our schools into forward thinking intuitions? Places where the students feel at home using the same technology they are used to outside of the classroom. And why not make it easier for teachers to teach? Give them more time to focus on what’s really important – education – rather than time consuming tasks which benefits nobody.

A simple USB will go a long way to achieving this.