Satellite or mobile internet?

With the new mobile data technologies, internet access is available for everyone. If the area you reside in has no DSL or cable internet providers you can always opt for a dial-up plan or satellite internet. The big difference between dial-up and satellite internet is the speed, as the satellite connection is far better. But now, the 4G technology offers another viable option for internet access and is a very convenient choice for those people that want a high speed internet connection.


The 4G technology

The big plus of using the 4G technology is that you can connect from everywhere. You just need network coverage, which today is no longer a big issue. You just have to plug your mobile USB internet stick into your personal computer, laptop or notebook, and you are ready to go. The only requirement is that your host device should be fitted with a USB port. This is a very convenient way to have internet access, to check and respond to your e-mails or any other internet activity you desire to have, even if you are traveling or if you are stuck in traffic.

Comparing the 4G USB internet with the satellite option you have notice that the second option has extremely limited mobility. You are stuck were the satellite dish is. On the bright side, you can network a few computers to use the satellite connection, unlike the mobile USB internet version. This offers some flexibility, so in the end is all about your needs.

Depending on your service provider and if you have enough network coverage, the mobile internet can have big variations in traffic speeds. Plus, not all providers offer the fast 4G technology, while others do not have nationwide 4G coverage. This is a pretty new technology, so the technical implementation is being finished in large cities or high populated urban areas first. If you reside in a small rural area you may not have 4G coverage and is better to ask you provider before you opt for this service. In any case, soon, the 4G network coverage will not be a problem anymore, because the demand for it is quite high and the providers will want to offer this service to their clients.

While the satellite internet users cannot have mobility, the USB internet provides the ability to surf the web from anywhere. And this is a huge advantage. Usually, the cost of these two services, the satellite and mobile internet, is approximately the same, depending on the plan you choose. There are a lot of providers to choose from, for both services, but the mobile internet comes usually from cell phone companies. Another important point no to overlook is the fact that both services require a signed commercial contract.

The big advantage the satellite internet has over the mobile USB internet is that, in terms of cost, you can download and upload much more than using the mobile networks. With the satellite connection, is you go over you plan’s download or upload limit, in most cases, the speed will drop, but with the mobile connection, you usually have to pay for the extra traffic.

The most differences between the satellite and the mobile internet, beside the technical ones, are in the plans offered by the providers. Study carefully their services and based on your needs, choose the right one for you. One thing is for sure, the mobile USB internet will develop more and more, but for now the satellite connection is still a viable option. How long, remains to be seen.


Check Out The benefits of using a wireless Internet stick