BIO-key Introduces the New Low-Cost USB Touch Fingerprint Reader

At the Connect:ID Exposition held this year in Washington D.C., BIO-key International proudly introduced EcoID, its newest and highly competitive USB touch fingerprint reader.

EcoID-What can it deliver?

The company announced that EcoID is a highly innovative USB fingerprint reader that pairs the Active Thermal sensor designed by the Norwegian company NEXT Biometrics with the software and biometric algorithms developed by BIO-key.

Tore Etholm-Idsøe, NEXT Biometrics CEO, stated that NEXT Biometrics felt honoured to be given the opportunity to provide one of the key components of this amazing BIO-key device. According to him, BIO-key has an impressive history of providing software capabilities for the commercial identity market, at the same time setting high standards in terms of device flexibility, accuracy, and one-to-many search.

According to BIO-key, the new EcoID is able to provide one-touch authentication and identification not only for all the existing BIO-key customers, but also for any type of entity that is interested in adding high performance, compact, and low-cost fingerprint authentication to the already existing Android and Windows devices. With EcoID, the company is aiming at disrupting the touch fingerprint reader segment with an MSRP that can be bought for $34.99, a price considerably below that of other similar USB touch scanners. BIO-key also points out that this new reader functions perfectly with Windows10 biometric security, Passport Microsoft and Microsoft Hello included.

The portable USB fingerprint reader, which is endowed with a security/lanyard cable pass-through especially designed for secure commercial applications, can be immediately purchased from BIO-key directly, or through BIO-key’s distribution partners.

USB Touch Fingerprint Reader: main features

Due to its sleek design and durable case, the device is outstandingly portable and can be comfortably and safely carried around in a pocket or a handbag. A revolutionary placement fingerprint reader, the USB Touch Fingerprint Reader is durable, compact, and highly performant. The gadget operates on any type of device that is endowed with a USB port.  Due to these characteristics, the device is ideal for retail operations and the banking industry. EcoID is delivered with a special feature that allows the gadget to be easily secured to any PC, workstation, desk, or enrolment station.

EcoID is capable of delivering fast, convenient, and accurate authentication / identification and makes use of the award winning fingerprint biometric tech developed by BIO-key. Available at a more than convenient price, this sleek placement reader provides the perfect replacement for passwords, tokens and complicated PIN codes.

Apart from EcoID, BIO-key puts at its customers’ disposal other low-cost options for fingerprint security authentication as well. The laptop-ready scanner and SideSwipe are some of the available alternative solutions proposed by BIO-key.

According to Jim Sullivan, business and strategy development VP at BIO-key, with this new device the company managed to source an affordable – yet highly performant and easy to use and install – USB Touch Fingerprint Reader.